A series of installations made from biodegradable organic materials and placed on the locations of illegal dumpings around the village of Donji Garevci in North-West Bosnia. The installations were made intentionally reminiscent of objects from traditional folklore and were supposed to deter from further use of these illegal dumping sites and to eventually call for their removal. Illegal dumpings are common in Bosnia, plastic garbage but often even large scale scrap like broken washing machines and fridges are simply tossed in the rivers. 
In Donji Garevci in particular, the people living in the so called "refugee settlements" most of the times have no other choice but to dispose their garbage in the surrounding forests. Their settlements are usually not part of the communal waste management infrastructure, their homes are not connected to the water supply network or to the sewage system. 
As a result of the intervention several most prominent dumpings were promptly removed. Unfortunately, they reappeared on other locations.
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